Goldfish Come Home
2012/98 min/HD/16:9/Color/5.1ch
A young Brazilian/Japanese boy teams up with a girl to rescue a magical goldfish and save the town from evil developers. Starring Japanese Kabuki superstar, Shudo Nakamura.

Family Matters
Kana, mid thirties, aimless and single, lives at home with her ineffectual parents. When her sister and her family return home after the husband’s business fails Kana is driven out of the house and seeks refuge with a nearby “commune” of misfits. There she falls under the spell of the charismatic leader of the colony, Seiji, and begins to develop a sense of purpose in life. But Seiji becomes more and more unstable and it becomes clear that his vision of the future is weirder than Kana had imagined. She begins to realize that Seiji’s dreams of renewing Japan are dark and dangerous and she has summon up strength and initiative she didn’t know she had to rescue her family and thwart Seiji’s plans.